Who We are
We as a people are so rich! Rich in community, culture, faith, fashion, melanin, EVERYTHING!! We live in a society that labels us outcasts. If we are Christian (not just say that we are with our mouths, but truly live as such in our hearts and through our lives), we are told we're doing too much. If we embrace our heritage proudly, we are shamed into thinking we should instead embrace the dominant culture and be careful not to make anyone feel "excluded". If we wear our natural hair in all its glory, some say, "Perm it!! It's too nappy anyway." Or they have other negative comments instead of encouraging you to be proud and embrace everything that is YOU!I wanted to create a company that embraces all that we are with phrases in colors that look good on the outside and make you feel good on the inside. Something that our community could be proud of. When you put it on, I want women to just smile and toss their hair back and forth, and their girls are in the background saying yasss. I want men to check themselves out a couple of times before heading out the door. I want young girls and boys to know they are beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made, simply by looking at a shirt. I want to show people how "cool" Jesus is. Ahhhh He's so dope!! I want the world to know how fabulous this natural hair is and how awesome it is to have this pigmented skin! I WANT IT ALL!!Really, I'm just a young woman from the west side of Jackson, MS that wants to make people smile by being happy with who they are and proclaiming the name of Jesus. We all wear invisible crowns every single day of our lives. Crowns that a lot of times the people around us can't even see. Truthfully, sometimes we can't either. And sometimes they tilt. Sometimes they're heavy and we feel burdened. But we have to encourage each other and remember to never take it off because despite our momentary feelings, we are forever royal! Royal because we are redeemed. Royal because we are descendants of Kings and Queens. Royal because we are His! Royalty-RoyalTee. That's who we are!