Secure the Circle
Greetings Kings & Queens and Happy New Year! Royal Family, I pray your year is off to a great start. Can you believe 1 month has already passed? As I prepared for this new year I took a REAL close look at a very important section of my life. Last year I hit a point of isolation. I didn't see the support and love I desired when I looked at what I wanted to see around me. I prayed and asked God to help me and He asked me, "what are you doing about it?" WOW! Talk about ouch. So this year, I'm making a change. In my youth I didn't realize the value or importance the overall strength and wellness of this area would be on the rest of my life. If you've been following on social media you know this month we're discussing friendships. The relationships that we have and maintain say a lot about us even when we don't realize it. There's a saying that says, "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future," (Author Unknown). If you're ready to secure your circle for 2019, keep reading.
Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? What are your current visions and goals? Look around you. Where are the people in your circle headed? Do their goals and aspirations line up with yours? Do they even have a 5 year plan? Are they actively pursuing it? If you're answering these questions then you're already completing Step 1: TAKE INVENTORY. Make a list of your current friends and evaluate the life expectancy of your current relationships. If any of these friends are constantly in and out of your life, go ahead and scratch them off the list. That's right. Step 2 is SUBTRACTING. If they are Day One's, but still have the exact same mentality and characteristics they had on literally Day One (and not in the good way), scratch them off too. If they're stuck in their ways and not making progress and you've outgrown them, cut it. If you have any friendships that solely exist to criticize and belittle others or are always negative, say goodbye! If friendships are not yielding fruit in the direction you see yourself heading or they don't embody the goals and dreams you aspire to then why keep them? As your circle gets smaller your vision gets larger. Clean out some space and make room for the greater God has for you.
Now that we've properly prepared a space to openly receive, we are now ready to make positive additions to our lives. If you're like me 3. ADDING is even harder than the first. Who wants to cut off what's comfortable to start new uncomfortable meet and greets. We are not meant to do life alone or isolated. And life is better with others to share it with. This year let's look for positive uplifting friends. Optimistic friends. Business partners. Multi-cultural and well versed friends. Friends that can help propel you to the next level. Those that speak life into you. They correct you when you're wrong in love and light. That remind you that you can't, but God can! Friends that are indeed #GOALS on spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and professional levels. Ask God to create a space where the whole team wins. Motivate and inspire each other. Collaborate not compete. And then go out and 4. MULTIPLY! Multiply by adding to your future. Ask how can you aid each other in furthering your goals. When you're heading out to eat, let's discuss the progress of our visions & where we are with making them reality. Can you develop businesses together? Can you make a pact to save your money for the things you NEED versus the momentary wants? Multiply by showing others how to develop similar healthy, life giving relationships. Add even more people to your community. Then, 5. RE-EVALUATE! With life, as seasons change, so do the roles of people in your life. Everyone wasn't meant to stay forever. Sometimes God brings certain people for only a season and when their season is up we take it upon ourselves to provide extra coverage to something that's already dead. Hence why we needed to subtract in the first place.
In closing, this is the year of NEW- beginnings, favor, relationships, jobs, grace, and doors. You want to be surrounded by the right people that help to propel you deeper into purpose and peace. Don't be afraid to close certain chapters. Don't be afraid to allow God to write new ones. Like with Abraham with Lot, in order to get the greater you desire you may have to leave "your circle." Trade the known for the unknown and watch God shower you abundantly in blessings not based on getting it right (because Abraham surely did not), but based on your obedience and God's faithfulness. Our job is simply to trust Him. Even with our relationships.
* I'm starting a new group for women to encourage each other based on our 2019 goals, even meet up once a week if you're local in Jackson, MS! If you need some motivation or are ready to ADD to your circle, comment below or message me on Facebook or Instagram. Make sure you're following as the Spring '19 Collection releases soon!!
Until next time! XOXO
Amber Jones